Saturday, July 28, 2012

*crawls out of hole again*

whooooo, nearly a whole year since my last post. *Looks around* Blogger's got new features (w00t!). Also, seems like no one's blogging regularly these days. Although I've been particularly negligent. You know your blog is dead when you've actually forgotten how to access it. Thank god for other people's blogrolls. Gina's ( humongus list is the index I use to access everyone's blogs (including my own, for shame).

So what's been happening this past year?

Truth be told, absolutely nothing of important. I grew older, wiser (?), just a little bit crazier. Got a job. Still digging the One Piece adventure :D.
Fell even deeper into the neverending black pit that is my SHIPPING ADDICTION. Obsessed, fangirl-squealed, scrounged for fanfiction, lost sleep over a few more OTPs (for those who are interested- H.G/Myka from Warehouse 13, Harvey/Mike from Suits, Marceline/Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, Derek/Stiles from Teen Wolf, Aral/Cordelia from Vorkosigan Saga, all 4 heavenly kings/komatsu from Toriko TROLOLOL.... possibly more but I can't think of them right now)
Played some (actually a lot) of games- lost myself in Skyrim, finally finished Portal 1 (must get portal 2), obsessed over the Bastion soundtrack *_*, played a shit-ton of ds games. Somehow between all this madness and procrastinating- managed to chug through another year of uni. 

So endth my life update. Hmm, I wonder if anyone still check for updates.