So what's been happening this past year?

Truth be told, absolutely nothing of important. I grew older, wiser (?), just a little bit crazier. Got a job. Still digging the One Piece adventure :D.
Fell even deeper into the neverending black pit that is my SHIPPING ADDICTION. Obsessed, fangirl-squealed, scrounged for fanfiction, lost sleep over a few more OTPs (for those who are interested- H.G/Myka from Warehouse 13, Harvey/Mike from Suits, Marceline/Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, Derek/Stiles from Teen Wolf, Aral/Cordelia from Vorkosigan Saga, all 4 heavenly kings/komatsu from Toriko TROLOLOL.... possibly more but I can't think of them right now)
Played some (actually a lot) of games- lost myself in Skyrim, finally finished Portal 1 (must get portal 2), obsessed over the Bastion soundtrack *_*, played a shit-ton of ds games. Somehow between all this madness and procrastinating- managed to chug through another year of uni.
So endth my life update. Hmm, I wonder if anyone still check for updates.