Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Distant future?

Cindy peers into "chrystal" ball.
Cindy sees the world in 200 years time...

Food will always be in the form of capsules...perfectly balanced and nutritious. Different varieties will cater for people with special dietary needs. Everything will be artificially flavored and colored, so that the taste is only vaguely like the food it imitates. People can buy whole whole cans of a particular flavor, and leave them at work. No more worries! Convenience is the key!
Because no one will have time to sit down at a table and spend 15 minutes refueling. Actual meals will be seen as gourmet and are indulgences which only the rich can partake in.

Many people will have chips embedded into their flesh for a number of different purposes. The chips can communicate to the nervous system, for example, to send electric currents to the brain. This can stimulate emotions, or possibly states of mind. When you get depressed, simply press a button on a remote, which triggers your chip to simulate 'happiness'. When you're tired, send messages to your brain to make it work overtime! Its cheaper than drugs, and doesn't affect your health too much. Unless you overuse it and fry your brain...

Following on that vein, perhaps there can be other chips which contains 'data' in the form of currents (warning: no research done by me), which you can activate. These data contains knowledge- be it maths, a book, or even how to juggle- all you need to do is press a button- no reading required. And voila! Instant mastery. Beware though, overuse can addle your brain, send you insane, or even fry it completely. Yay.

There will be no need to walk at all. Shopping? Do it over the internet (which will surely grow larger, more powerful, but even less moderated). Exercise? Your home will have machines built in already to cater for your every need. Transportation? Vehicles (I'm not going to even try to imagine how different and advanced they will be in 200 years time), will be a part of every household so that every person can get from A to B without standing up.
They will run on renewable energy (petrol and gas are only mentioned in history books and muesums). But there will always be a shortage of energy. That's why all citizens are required to spend a few days per month performing 'civic duty'. That is- going to the local energy facility and working together to turn turbines, in order to create electricity.

Science will have made great advances- but inevitably, new technologies will become so expensive and 'wasteful' to produce- resulting in scientists abandoning them.
The government- surely democracy will have evolved to something even more convoluted. Government operations will be kept securely confidential to prevent anyone from questioning them. Much funds will go towards trying to control the population- which will have grown exponentially. Lifespan will have increased dramatically, with the aid of technology. However, all people over 60 will be euthanized (painlessly, of course), to keep the population under control.

By this time, animals will be considered a rarity. A few of each species will be kept and bred in captivity- providing a source of entertainment.

The movie industry (Hollywood as we know it today) and books will have died, after every single conceivable plot has been written or turned into film. New and innovative ideas are few and far between- those few ideas will be featured in the media, and the creators will be turned famous. Art and music will also be only the subjects of history books. People will be always searching for more immersive experiences- such as 3D simulation.

Games will have evolved so that players can be completely immersed. That is, instead of only utilizing 2 senses- sight and sound, all 5 senses are involved. Graphics will improve to completely resemble reality, and players can interact with the environment directly. This is done by stimulating the brain with currents, presenting it with a false reality- but so sophisticated to be perceived as real. Players can spend years of their lives within the man-made reality, living an alternate life. These games will, of course, be filled with subliminal advertisement and government propaganda.
News, tv shows,etc. will utilize this 3D simulation as well.

...Apocalypse is coming


Anonymous said...

is that satirical?
not bad.... =]

i also see that despite every conceivable plot being written, they'll be (bad) remakes of classic stories. such as charlie and the chocolate factory lol.

apocholypse shud have come yesterday =/
u hear bout the Large Hadron Collider?

newaiz...yeh my teacher speaks 24 languages. he teaches geography

Anonymous said...

wat's scary
my comment bout apoloclypse on september 10....welll i wrote it on september 11 O_O

but it still says september 10...

strangledcod said...

Bad remakes? Always XD
Yeah I heard about the LHC. Have you read Angels and Demons?

Anonymous said...

well i can see that you've given this a LOT of thought~

i agree with you on most of this except the chip-embedded-into-brain idea. Even if man could invent something like that, i doubt any society will allow the production of it.

Anyways~ i so totally agree that internet is taking over the world, slowly...

Anonymous said...

no, i havn't read angels and demons
i onli read da vinci cos i wanted to prove my scripture teacher wrong
must to my dismay it was fiction =/

i wud never get my nutrients from a pill. NEVER. ergh

Anonymous said...

Well, I doubt the whole Euthanasia thing will be approved in 200 years. So far, considering how many people actually approve of it, only Netherlands is really known for exercising it and even when it became legal, only like 10 people used it to their advantage. It also depends what degree you are talking about, passive, active? You also probably need to consider whether it would be involuntary or voluntary. I think you were talking of voluntary as everyone older than 60 is put to death. If that is the case, it will take longer than 200 years as the legislation regarding Human Rights have been established so something like the holocaust can not happen again. WEll, it's a theory, I don't think it's gonna works since involuntary euthanasia still exists and a lot of mercy killings although it is illegal. And you realise the social issues and ethics involved in what might happen in 200 years.

*sigh* just got back from Festival of Speech, can yout tell? Lol~ ethics and religion. FEel soo depressed, dunno y =___= but yaa~ feel like arguing with you....not really, I'm just rambling. usual but you asked for it! and yeah, i found your blog hehhe~ give me a cookie. LOl, i can't believe I proud of myself. and this is a very LENGTHY comment. You only have three posts? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OWELLZ , keep posting and be happy :)

strangledcod said...

Hi Noel! What sort of cookie do you like?

about the whole euthanasia point was that in 200 years time, population overflow=>not enough resources/space for everyone, etc.
Therefore government HAVE to intervene. I think involuntary would have to be used because that way its universal. Its not very humanitarian, but at least its fair.
Think of it as a reduced lifespan- 60 instead of 80. 60-80 is the age where your body is deteriorating anyway. Might as go out before that. Dunno, just my thought.
Probably I should have mentioned that the government has more power in my 'imaginary' future. More technology=more power.

Also, a lot can happen in 200 years. What was life like in the 1800's?