What is style?
and it something that you can improve? If so, how?
Does it mean- to have a good style, you have to conform to society's ideas of style.
(score one for serena, damnit)
(answer me, ppl,)
does anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
that's a hard one..
i thought style is jus the manner in one acts or behaves or contains themselves...
ii dunno.. i alwaiis refer to georginastyle... buh that's jus basically my retardnesss...
so sorry ! can't help mcuh
to me..style is a way to show who you are - it reflects your personality, things you enjoy etc etc
to be stylish..is taken all wrong..
you dont need to follow a certain trend to be stylish! just be yourself...thats all the style a person needs
well if style is the way you portray yourself, than sure you can change it. Probably takes heaps of willpower though. I've never suceeded.
Btw, you've scored heaps of points- I just never let you know it.
lol interesting question...
a lotta ppl have said that it's ur identity but i'm gonna be smartass and say no, it's PART of your identity
i guess it incorporates many aspects such as how u conduct, wat u wear, etc but if u don't do wat u do, does that make u sumone else?
also they said dat u can have ur own style... i sort of agree....
yet, i DO rkn that u need to follow a certain trend to be stylish because...if ur "own" style is not recognised, then how do they recognise that u are stylish?
therefore, to be stylish, u must follow a certain trend that u are sure will be recognised.
then again, how are trends set?
they are set because individuals want to do something a certain way and people are able to identify it.
so basically i've babbled on about nothing and u've wasted ur time reading this =)
arne't i nice?
"Fashion fades, only style remains the same" quoted by Coco Chanel
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