Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meaningless questions

Some questions for the people who can be bothered typing up an answer.

1. if you pretend to be not pretentious, does that make you more pretentious? or would that be alright, seeing no one can prove that u are pretentious?

2. Is productivity subject or objective? By that I mean: are you productive while doing what you consider as important, but society doesn't?

3. I'm a parasite. I suck knowledge off teachers and peers. Are we all parasites? Or is that called learning?

4. critic's opinion vs. enjoyment?
Some movies/shows were reviewed highly by critics, but they fail to make a lot of money. What the critics considered as 'innovative', 'original' and 'sharp', the majority of the population simply doesn't consider interesting.
Sometimes the show might be satirical, but it flies over most of our heads.
Which is more important? Art or money?
What do think?

Wow, I just realized. Not one single post about my life so far. Go me!


Anonymous said...

1) I don't really know what pretentious means -.- the dictionary says it's an assumption or claim to importance.
whatever that means....i guess it's ok because u recognise ur vice as pretension and so try to correct it. Personally i admire that.and i guess it's more a personal thing so it doens't really matter if people can tell if ur pretentious or not, its a matter of whether u see urself a pretentious.
thats a lotta bs for sumone hu odn't noe wat pretentious means LOL
hope i used it the right wat =/

2) I rkns productivity is objective. If u do something, then you've done something
if u painted that picture, u painted a picture. whether it is out of passion or money is out of the question. I guess being a student of economics i see it in an objective sense. who is to say what is important to society?
Go back to 1970's if sum guy was using up all this money for research and developement in alternate energy technology, it would not have been that important for society it may even have been his passion who noes. but the thing is, in actual fact it was important cos today we are in a situation where we should have done that research but didn't
and are regretting it. FAIL

3)parasite and learning..well i guess there are euphamisms for a lot of htings to me parasite and learning are the same thing. i guess u cud put it more
elegantly where the older generation are passing on knowledge to the younger generation however, today it is often not true it is more like older generation beating the younger generation into submission with various attempts to influence syllabus with propoganda, etc
i.e physics @ rsc but i won 't go there or we'll be here all night.

4) oooh hard one..once upon a time i had a debate on this one...
it's a vicious cycle, without enjoyment, there is no art. eg
if there was no movies that made money, people wud feel less inclined to fund it, decreasing the amount of movies in general (incl those with an artistic purpose) if there were onli movies that made money, they'll
be a lack of artistic movies where important messages/issues that aren't so interesting
are not conveyed.

as a result, personally, i think that money is an important part
because all dreams need to be funded in some form. arts needs to be promoted but not to the extent where freedom of expression is limited. all the while

i also think that if one has a vision and if one has a passion, the money will come to them.

Anonymous said...

Just 'cause I know you won't save it. The first line is my comment for your post.