Monday, November 3, 2008

Yay! first day of yr 12!

I feel rather motivated right now...first day of yr 12 and all. But I fear it would hardly be a few weeks before I revert back to my procrastinating ways

In other news for today:

has anyone noticed that train stations look like a lint brush doing its work?
Like the people...they are the lint. And the brush is the train. And the platforms are like the lint-filled surface- like a cloth
The lint begins on the cloth, and after you swipe it with the lint brush, the lint gets transferred onto the lint brush. Usually multiple swipes will have to be applied to get the cloth lint-free. And even they its just a bit linty.
And similarly, the people starts out on the platform, and the trains comes. And the people move from the platform onto the train...I guess the effect is more startling when you are staring at opposite, crowded platform. Then the train comes...and its like the people has been swiped away.
Well, except the people respawn, unlike the lint.
Unless the lint is mutant.

And speaking of mutant, if I ever become a rich person, I want to fund a competition, and name it after me.
Basically, its for people who grow strawberries. Well, any vegetable/fruit will do.
People can submit their most mutant, retarded looking strawberries, for instance. And the winner will be the owner of the most grotesque, weird, retarded fruit/veggie. 
And they will get some munnies! And all the mutant stuff submitted into the competition...coz you make jam with it...yup.

A mutant tomato:


Anonymous said...

whoaaa.... tomato~

Anonymous said...

of lint and train stations...gosh
before i read that
i wouldn't have htought that lint and train stations had anything to do with each other!

i hate tomatos
right up there with spiders
i hate the two

if ever there was a spider tomato...