Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Belated but obligatory fare-thee-well announcement to '00

Dear MLC 2009. 

Well, the few people of MLC 2009 who read this blog, namely..this incestuous blog circle. 

It's been a pleasure to frolic together in the springtime of our youth. You all have ripened from tiny green kernals into juicy juicy fruits. I am sure you will sow the seeds of your experience into the fertile ground of the future. Thus concludes this incoherent, pointless metaphor that is farewell, but not really. 

Ah well..what did you expect anyway?

I thank you for putting up and humoring me this past few years. I have no doubt been a self-centered and annoying prick more often than not, but I'm working on fixing it. Wish you the best.



朱雅欣 said...

pfft.. we love u for who u are, despite any flaws u THINK u may have.

Anonymous said...


you crammed HOW MANY anime references into your farewell?!

hah.. cindy will be cindy i guess. Ever so intelligent. I, a mere (foolish) mortal shant ever understand the complexities of your mind (nor humour for that matter. F*CK YEAH SEAKING!!!)

And no, thank YOU for humoring me these past 6 years. Your company has been greatly appreciated (minus the times you insisted on squishing raw tomatoes ontheground/againstthewall/overmyface).

Thus concludes this incoherent pointless mass of writing what is your comment. ah well, what did you expect anyway?

Anonymous said...

*that is your comment =__=''

clearlycanadian said...

.. uh iun see any anime references.

and yeh.

pft. if anyone's been an annoying and self-centered prick. it's claire.


*proceeds to dump fresh cow manure on you*

Anonymous said...

clearlySTUPID said...
.. uh iun see any anime references.

heh... srsly?

does the springtime of youth line ring a bell?
surely RIPENED into JUICY FRUITS says something to you!?

and you call yourself an anime fan. *feels ashamed*

PS: self-centered and annoying CLEARLY spells chrystal.