Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sometimes I just gotta vent

Ok, this is not something I usually blog about.



*deep breath*

*Ok. Start from the beginning so these people know what I'm on about*

Ok, So. I don't if anyone knows this, but I like the Sherlock Holmes series. Books, mainly.
The series being one of the most popular literature ever created, it's seen a fair share of adaptations.
I, being 19, have only seen the recent ones. Well. One of the recent ones. (And I've watched the trailer for the Hollywood Movie? But I hate how...everything's so...pretty...and glossy. And explosions. Boom. No. It's way too flashy) But- the modern world AU version by Moffat? The 3 episodes- that's what I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong. I really liked that. Although not as much as the books, duh.
And I'm so so so so excited for season 2 (what will Modern!Irene Adler be like? Will the moors in which Hound of the Baskervilles have the creepy haunting atmosphere that the books put in my imagination? HOLY SHIT will Reichenbach Falls end the same way as in the books?!?!omgomgomg)

But the thing is, the thing that I gotta vent (and squee about)- I doubt ANYTHING will beat the books. It just. So much. ATMOSPHERE. the evenings in front of the fireplace so cozy- with Holmes picking away at his violin and Watson smoking a pipe and reading medical journals. Holmes deducing Watson's entire train of thought from observing his fidgeting. Broughams, carriages. Rolling over the gaslight cobblestone streets. Sherlock and his disguises! And inexplicable digressions. And how damn brilliant he is. There's well, contentment there- in that Watson is recalling cases from years past. Certain peacefulness despite murders and whatnot.

And they are so gay. So much. gay. Unsaid. <3
So what if they're older and uglier than modern adaptions. But they're so...austere. Which is awesome.

Here are the facts: Watson is the narrator, so let's pretend you're Watson

- You come back from the war. Find a roomie. He's interesting but strange (and brilliant, but you don't know that yet). But you click. You settle down into happy bachelorhood.

- You follow Sherlock on his various cases. He likes them bizarre as they come. In fact he's only really happy wrapped up in some mystery. But his brilliance still surprises you. Every single damn time.

- On one of the cases, you meet a girl. You get married, move out of your pad. Buy a small medical practice.

- You still keep in contact with your old roomie. Sometimes still join him on a case for old time's sake. But you've got a wife, and a business now- you slowly drift apart.

- Meanwhile, Sherlock becomes more famous, solving all these high profile cases. He turns up at your house one evening. Very urgent ?!?!?

- In great danger, you flee to Europe. Germany, Switzerland. Awww.

- Danger catches up. Sherlock dies (left a goodbye note)

WATSON IS SAD (and stops writing. CAN"T stand THE MEMORIES.)

3 years pass. Your wife dies.

Sherlock Holmes comes back.

- You move back in together. You are much older than you have been.

"At the time of which I speak, Holmes had been back for some months, and I at his request had sold my practice and returned to share the old quarters in Baker Street. A young doctor, named Verner, had purchased my small Kensington practice, and given with astonishingly little demur the highest price that I ventured to ask—an incident which only explained itself some years later, when I found that Verner was a distant relation of Holmes, and that it was my friend who had really found the money."

(see- that's something involved, happening over years and years and years. Instead of episodic...snapshots. That's why I like book canon more)

The Conan Canon is awesome. For something written so long ago, it's even more awesome.

Long live Sherlock Holmes \o/

(If you've read the series and agree, w00t. If you haven't and have no idea what I was on about. GO READ IT. And oops, spoilers. lol)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Topic: self worth?

Question question question and you get answer answer answer. This whole blogging thing is surprisingly pretty fun.

I guess for me, self-worth and confidence means pretty much the same thing. And it fluctuates from low to high to low again several times per week.

My formula goes something like this:

At a given point in time,

my self worth = (achievements) - 2x(failures),
where the actual value of achievements and failures are scaled so that recent events have greater influence.

yes, I know it's oversimplified. There are many external factors such as compliments, how you measure up to people around you, what qualifies as an achievement, etc.

But. at the core of it, these 2 terms decides my self-confidence at any given time. Isn't that pretty shallow and sad?

What determines your self confidence? Does your self worth formula have a '+c' constant in it? Like a sort of 'base self-worth' which is fixed, and its value is dependent on say, your looks? social status? how many facebook friends you have? Something that doesn't diminish no matter how bad you feel.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Regarding dentists, etc.


I feel all warm and fuzzy you guys bothered to type such long comments out. d'awww thanks peeps. (In livejournal you can reply to individual comments. Can you do it on blogger? I just put all my replies into one comment)

Anyway...Imma gonna be FIRIN' MAH LAZARR trying to blog more regularly, because most people don't post once every year.

So I went to the dentist (location) today...I don't think anyway LIKES going to the dentist (except for the dentist (person), because apparently they earn heaps of money), but the dentist (location) is on the top of the list for 'places i loathe loathe loathe' in between shopping for clothes and public bathrooms.

So anyway, I went there, because one of my tooth hurts when I bite down and I thought it was a cavity, and, like tumors, you really shouldn't leave them to grow.

(by the way, I really hate it when the dentist ask you questions while they're doing stuff to your teeth because, seriously, are they expecting you to answer?)

But relief! It wasn't a cavity! (amazing). But apparently it hurts because my tooth is slightly cracked right next to nerves. And if I don't stop eating crunchy hard stuff it's gonna crumble like one of those ice-shelves under the influence of global warming and holy shit it's gonna be painful

But since I don't even like crunchy stuff (soggy stuff ftw), I figured it's because I eat gum all the time (not my own gums, i mean chewing gum), but while normal people spit it out after an hour, I spit it out like 8 hours later when my jaw starts to hurt or I get a headache (by then the gum is really hard).


In conclusion, the point of this post is- don't each too much hard stuff...apparently your teeth can crack. And I now sorta maybe believe Ximay about that time when she was eating a cucumber and half her tooth cracked off (and she swallowed it)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


This post totally isn't due to the peeps who has been nagging at me to blog. totally isn't. at all.

On the subject of my life for the past year:
- is now in 2nd year of uni. motherfucking crapload of cbb,
- played a bunch of ds games. is sad that the ds is falling into obsolete-ness.
- OMFG ONE PIECE has taken over my life like an infectious disease OMFGWTFBBQ
- has grown 125% more cynical
- ...yeah.

On the subject of philosophical rambling:
(because you read my blog for this shit. right? right?)

My cohort (ie. people around my age), seem to be reaching an interesting place in life. I would call it a crossroad...but that seems to imply making choices, and this isn't really about that.
But we're really and truly out of high school, and although we're still studying, it's not all that insulated from the 'real world'.
Everyone's rushing to find jobs, earn money, gain independence while studying. It's almost competitive. We are all motivated to be successful as quickly as possible (or have surges of motivation to be successful). I'm hardly an exception...but it's still interesting to ask- why? what's the point?

I know I know- it sounds really obvious. I can think of many reasons, and there's undoubtedly dozens more depending on different people.
ie. success= more money, more power, more prestige.

But does having success equate to having a happy life?

I've been reading the Dresden Files series lately- it's mostly action mixed with magic and testosterone and fun...and the books are completely unrelated to this post. But it was a line somewhere in there that got me thinking.

Power, money, status. (and high marks, i guess) These give you OPTIONS- the freedom to pick and choose.
An example: a high Atar means you can pick out of a greater variety of courses. More money means you can choose to live in big houses.
It doesn't guarantee happiness.
They might contribute to happiness, yes. But that depends on what kind of person you are.

Now, in situations where the world is coming to an end and only the most powerful leaders and richest people get to escape- see 2012 (the movie), or where literally your life depends on climbing out of extreme poverty, etc- I'd say these qualities are really really important. But in this sort of environment (equality for everyone. centerlink support.), how important are having options, really? If you are happy at a $14 an hour, mediocre 9-5 job, how does having more options benefit you?

So what's the point, basically? Is having options that important, or can you be happy settling?
Does this make any sense, or am I just deluding myself?