Thursday, August 18, 2011

Topic: self worth?

Question question question and you get answer answer answer. This whole blogging thing is surprisingly pretty fun.

I guess for me, self-worth and confidence means pretty much the same thing. And it fluctuates from low to high to low again several times per week.

My formula goes something like this:

At a given point in time,

my self worth = (achievements) - 2x(failures),
where the actual value of achievements and failures are scaled so that recent events have greater influence.

yes, I know it's oversimplified. There are many external factors such as compliments, how you measure up to people around you, what qualifies as an achievement, etc.

But. at the core of it, these 2 terms decides my self-confidence at any given time. Isn't that pretty shallow and sad?

What determines your self confidence? Does your self worth formula have a '+c' constant in it? Like a sort of 'base self-worth' which is fixed, and its value is dependent on say, your looks? social status? how many facebook friends you have? Something that doesn't diminish no matter how bad you feel.


Anonymous said...

mhm self worth huh, not sure if it equals confidence but i can definitely see that they're related.

most of the time i don't consciously think about how much im 'worth' so i guess that could be ... a state of like.. equilibrium? but this 'sense of self-worth' is something I think im always working to push upwards..

when i do something i feel proud of, ace a test in a subject i was struggling with, or do succeed at something... then my 'selfworth' soars, nd of course. it falls into the negatives when i fail something.

I dunno, my confidence doesn't necessarily rise when i've succeeded in something. I think it's more related to how optimistic/cynical you are. An optimistic person will naturally be more confident than a pessimistic one right?

I'm most confident when I'm well prepared/ have lots of support/ small chance of failure lawl. Having friends makes me MORE confident, not in the sense that it makes people think im an awesome person to hang around with, but coz I know even if shit goes down, I'm not going to be completely alone and drowning in misery.. or shit. >__>

i notice that most of the time when i reply, i just regurtitate everything you say in a less sophisticated and eloquent way.. but that's just how i roll. :(

Anonymous said...

Yuh I'm pretty much like you cod. Except multiply negative comments by more. Sometimes things go bad and just one bad thing sets me in a bad mood which lasts until the end of day. Or maybe several days. On the other hand a compliment might inflate my ego super big. It's not very healthy! :s

That's why more happiness ought to be spread around. Someones day might be brightened up. On the topic of that, I'm lovin your recent burst if activity!