Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ok. Here's another one of my whacked out theories

So once a upon a time (ie. 2 years ago),

There was a girl (ie. me)

Who had not been corrupted and turned cynical by pessimistic people [ie. serena and (maybe) emma]...YET (ie. she will soon be)

But all this is irrelevant ( you didn't expect that!)

So I had a theory.
Each and every person is born with a certain amount of potential.

However, this potential can be divided into many portions, differing from person to person.
These portions are placed within a person's ability, also differing from each person to the next.

Represented mathematically, say each person is born with 5000 points (of potential).
Now through the wonderful phenomenon of genes, these points are allocated to the 'skills/ability' of each person.
For example, a person can have
Creativity: 15
Athletic ability: 5
Oral skills (nothing suspicious about this one): 50
And so on.
There are hundreds of such areas. From the widely recognized and appreciated (beauty, athletic ability, creativity) to the not so much (perseverance, devotion, shrewdness) After all, these characteristics make up a large part of someone's personality.
These values are decided before you are born. They can not be changed, increased or decreased. You are stuck with your set.
However, every person's set add up to 5000 forward to reality. (ouch)
We see that some people are successful and famous, others unnoticed, run-of-the-mill, some ridiculed.

If all people are born with 5000 points of potential, why the inequality?

In the great 'tallying up' of your worth, there are a few factors which can cause your 5000 points to grow at different speeds.

1. Diligence. This is the most obvious one. This means a person has to be receptive to learning new things, improving their ability, etc. One has to put in effort in order to improve themselves as a person, and experience personal growth. This is where "practice makes perfect" comes in. Simply put, a person must learn/study and practice in order to improve their skill.

2. Specialization. Even if a person lives for 1000 years, they can not possibly master every single skill. Therefore, they must put time and energy into improving skills which they show the most potential for. However, this is easier said than done, since no one knows where their potential lies unless they tried it for themselves. Following your interests should usually lead you to one. Some can find skills which is both interesting to an individual as well as the said individual having natural talent for it. The people who can improve that particular skill end up being more successful.

3. Time. Also a no-brainer. People who uses their time more efficiently can improve themselves more, leading to more success

4. Opportunity. This one is purely based on luck. No individual can control whether or not they are given opportunities. Therefore, most people look for ones. Some people can recognize an opportunity when its offered and take it. Others can not, and so miss out. Opportunities define how successful someone is in life.

And so ends my theory.

Why blog about it? I'm not sure. If the theory is true, life can be a lot more comforting. All you have to know is that you are equal to everyone else in terms of amount of natural talent. Each person's potential lies in areas which are different from those around them. However, the amount of potential is always the same.
So what can you do consider the factors which you can influence- diligence, specialization, etc.
And improve.

I find that sorta comforting. Perhaps I am delusional to think such a thing. There is no point in dwelling someone is better than you at something. Simply find a skill which you can improve.

any case, please do tell new whether you agree not. And I'll be delighted to debate about it with someone...noel...?

Anyway, here is the theory. Note: its JUST a theory.


Anonymous said...

if only .... the 5000 points exists....

strangledcod said...

it might. I'd feel a lot happier if it did.

And wow. You are REALLY fast

朱雅欣 said...

hey wow...
is it jus me? or does it remind me of those computer games... where yu start off with say 100 points.. then when yu make yur character yu can like give 30 points to strength and 20 to speed and wahever... ii might be delusional...

&& is everyone rlly into blogging and reading blogs lately? hmm

Anonymous said...

call me delusional but i agree with u
i also like to think that everyone is equal and that u can become successful through hard work. i've thought that since i was very young.

on the otherhand, i rkn there are smart people around. but they aren't as common as ppl make dem out to be.

also i beleive that everyone has opportunities, some just choose not to see it =/

Anonymous said...

COD! (that's your net name)

you're talking SIMS ! you know how you CREATE a person, designating them points as your theory explains. Pity, we can't choose where we want to allocate our points. If I could I'd just be REALLY REALLY creative and english-y so that people would hire me to write ONE article for 202834823 dollars.

Anonymous said...

SIMS ALL THE WAY~~unfortunately people aren't sims...