Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

My fuel!

Hi there once again. 
A new post after 2.whole.weeks. of non-posting?!?!!

Oh la la, shock hORrOr!!

Which just further proof on the theory that (my) inspiration is constipated. Long dry spells without any shit, followed by enlightened periods of shits and giggles!

Unfortunately, this post isn't very funny. 

To tell you the truth, I can ramble on and on for pages, but that wastes both my time and your time. We wouldn't to do that do we? 

Therefore, I prefer to include some philosophic (hopefully) idea about the meaning of life and such. Yes. I KNOW it is way beyond an ordinary teenager like me, but I like to think myself as clever, even though its a delusion. 

So! This is what drives me:

Let's make a pizza!
I have a base made out of survival instincts. This is pretty much wired in all of us, and it drives us to eat, drink, rest, etc: ie. live long enough to procreate.  

Now for the interesting stuff- the toppings. I'll use percentage, because things are easier to explain that way. 

40% hope: aspirations for the future, ideals made out of daydreams. These are optimistic and positive, and all of us has it in spades. We all want to be someone better, somewhere better than what/where we are now. It drives me to strive for a goal, to improve and impress. 

I fear the day where one runs out of hope. The truth and reality can be cold and cruel when one isn't covered by a warm blanket of hope. But hope can blind, just like a blanket can blind, when pulled over your head. So hold on to hope, but don't be blinded by it. (says cindy) Heehee.

30% fear:  fear is the opposite of hope. Both are visions of future. However, a person who hopes sees a better place, and a person who fears sees a place that is far worse. Instead of striving for this place, we strive to get far away from it as possible.  "omfg, if i don't study, i'm gonna phail!"
But in the same way, it drives me. Both hope and fear are strong incentives for action. 

15% self indulgence: Nope, not very proud of this one, but its true. Perhaps I am only speaking for myself here, so don't take offence. I am a very selfish creature, but I am entitled to be, because only I care about myself first and foremost. Just like georgina cares about georgina the most, and chrystal cares about chrystal the most, cindy cares about cindy the most. Now cindy should stop talking in the third person because cindy doesn't like her name very much. 

Self indulgence means serving one's own needs. When I need to play supermario rpg, I get my ass over to my laptop and gorge myself on supermario rpg. 

But self indulgence is not necessary a bad thing- as it is, ultimately, fuel. (and fuel is hard to come by these days. Just check the oil prices). If you want something really bad, you work hard in order to get the mysterious something. You wont necessary become a better person, but hey, it makes you happy. Isn't that what's important in life? 

15% peer pressure: I'm not only talking about the standard schoolyard peer pressure. I'm talking about approval from the people surrounding you: your family, friends, hot crush, whatever. It's about conforming to the masses, fulfilling other people's expectations of you. 
You don't do this for yourself, but you do this so others approve. 

I really, really, do not like this one. And its 15% of what drives me?! Oh, shame, shame! 
I must cut this down. Easier said than done though, just like everything else.

Now bake the pizza in an oven of self-reflection (or heat convection. I dunno, you can tell I don't do physics). Yes self-reflection is oh so good for you, but painful as hell and gives me a headache. And all this self-reflection is giving me a headache. I shall go off to supermario rpg...

...So what drives you? Just gloss over it if you care to comment, please? I find all this quite interesting.
Just humor me. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here's another question..

..this one is a real doozy.

What is style?

and it something that you can improve? If so, how?
Does it mean- to have a good style, you have to conform to society's ideas of style.
(score one for serena, damnit)

(answer me, ppl,)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meaningless questions

Some questions for the people who can be bothered typing up an answer.

1. if you pretend to be not pretentious, does that make you more pretentious? or would that be alright, seeing no one can prove that u are pretentious?

2. Is productivity subject or objective? By that I mean: are you productive while doing what you consider as important, but society doesn't?

3. I'm a parasite. I suck knowledge off teachers and peers. Are we all parasites? Or is that called learning?

4. critic's opinion vs. enjoyment?
Some movies/shows were reviewed highly by critics, but they fail to make a lot of money. What the critics considered as 'innovative', 'original' and 'sharp', the majority of the population simply doesn't consider interesting.
Sometimes the show might be satirical, but it flies over most of our heads.
Which is more important? Art or money?
What do think?

Wow, I just realized. Not one single post about my life so far. Go me!