Friday, January 16, 2009

life, et all.

Erm. Hi. It's been 2 months, and finally a new post, huh? I'd LIKE to say something zany such as 'I got over writers block', or 'I'm back from HIATUS, peoples," but the truth is- I just couldn't be f****ed to make an another blog entry. And it's not even because I'm busy, I mean I'm on holidays for god's sake. I just couldn't be f***ed.
Well anyway, this entry is the result of occasional prodding from several people (read: 2). So if you want to read more entry, you'd probably have to prod me (in person or through pestering comments of DOOM™) to get me off my fat lazy ass in order to see another entry (which I doubt)

So anyway, as you may or may not know, I spent new years in Coff's Harbour with my family and some family friends. Since I really can't think of a more interesting topic, I'll just sum up a few of the highlights of my trip:
hehe, no pictures. Partially because my internet's slow and partially because I don't have my camera with me.
15 hours of riding a car without a cd player/radio calls for desperate measures. Since our 'retro' 1996 toyota camry is oufitted with a cassette player instead of a cd player (trust me, no one sells cassette music nowadays), my parents 'solved' the problem by buying a car fm transmitter. In case you've never heard of it before, you plug it into a mp3, for example, and it sends out fm radio signals to the car radio on a particular frequency (oOoo physics). So if you match its frequency, you can play the mp3, which broadcasts the song into the car radio, acting like speakers for your mp3. 
So what's the point of the inane and lengthy explanation, you ask? Well, I don't know how close you are with your parents, but I'm guessing most of you aren't so keen on sharing your favourite playlists with your parents. It's kinda like...talking about sex with them. Well, maybe not THAT awkward, but it is kind of awkward, in a way. 
Well, some things I learnt from the car trip include:
My parents like the soundtrack from Pirates of the Caribbean (good taste, I may say so)
My dad likes Celine Dion. Yes. Shock horror. 
And Christina Aguilera's stuff. 
And random classical music. But that's no surprise.
What else not surprising is that my mum fell asleep at the start of the car trip and didn't wake up until the end. Lucky (female dog).
Oh and I forgot the mention. I got a ipod nano for christmas(yay!). Which means I actually have to label my music AND find album art now. Oh teh n0es!

2, BaNaNaS!
In case you didn't know, Coff's harbour is the home of the famous "Big Banana". Scattered around Australia are various other big things such as the big pineapple, big merino, big prawn, big cup(mmm size C or size D?) and big rolling pin. Go figure. Apparently some (sad) people actually travel all around australia taking pictures in front of every single one. o.O
Anyway, it's just a gigantic gig for tourists to visit and buy bananas. Admission fee is about $20 to watch a movie about the history of bananas on some revolutionary 3d imaging gadget (which might be cool, if only it wasn't about the HISTORY OF BANANAS), also watch a frigging hologram video about guess what? bananas, a tour of a banana plantation in the backyard of the establishment, and at the end we got free bananas! And at the end of it all we got to visit a banana museum with all these interactive banana exhibits. Zomg yay!
And what's even more sad, my folks got obsessed with those bananas and ended up buying like 5 kilos. Joy. 

3. Is it just a coincidence, or is there something wrong with me?
During our little trip, I've noticed something weird. And it seriously pissed me off. First night- we ate at Hungry Jacks. The order came 30min later. Without the fries. 
And the next day? Bought a milkshake. They totally forgot the order.
Next day- ordered fish and chips. Came late. Again. 
So my question it just a coincidence, or is there something wrong with me?

end! (for now)


Anonymous said...

HEYY! ! congrats on your ipod nano.. what color? and YEYY!! you're back ^_^...
lol when i share my music with my parents they either don't comment or the politely skip the track.. =_="

and yeah, same thing happened to me when i got my ipod, i started digging up pics and album names..
what a pain in the ass, esp when you don't download them off itunes with all the info .. lol

glad you're alive and blogging

Anonymous said...

lol nanas....i like banana bread. I cud life on the stuff
have you ever heard of phallic symbolism?
i'll just leave it at that lol

coffss harbour! is there a beach there? sounds very um....waterside ish.

hope ur enjoying ur holidays =]

nice to see u've blogged again ^^

Anonymous said...

lol do u HAVE to look up da info and the pics?! can't u just get the song and use some generic album art?

lol once i shared my music...
it was an african song and everyone was wtf-ing