How to Make A Bullshit Biscuit, better know as an 'English Essay'
- Teacher Regurgitation
- meaningless sentences
- essay verbs
- synonyms
- Quotes
- Big Words
1. Pour 5 bags of Teacher Regurgitation into a large pot (a word document will also work).
2. Mix well with essay verbs, and stir until mixture forms dough
3. Add a sprinkle of synonyms for flavor. Make sure you use a Thesaurus to do so, otherwise, the dough may Make No Sense.
4. Separate dough into roughly 6-8 chunks. Make sure you have an introduction chunk and a conclusion chunk. No one knows why. Just do it.
5. Put into Quotes Oven (or a Technique-Example-Effect™ Oven if you can afford it) and set the temperature to 'maximum'. Bake until biscuits have expanded to a formidable size.
6. Meanwhile, mix meaningless sentences with Big Words together in a bowl. This will go on top of biscuits- hence 'bullshit biscuits'. Add a dash of piss for smooth consistency.
7. Once the biscuits are ready, take them out of the oven.
8. Copy-and-paste the bullshit icing onto the biscuits. Make sure to spread it liberally.
Congratulations! You now know how to make Bullshit Biscuits™!!! Serve them to your teachers, family and friends! (we take no responsibility for any nausea, migraines or Bad Marks which may follow)

lol that pic just dun look liek a sheit for some reason.
my least favourite biscuit
mine are ... doughy, perhaps i haven't baked them long enough, oh bullshit biscuit baking master....
oh and yes, "do you want a biscuit?"
you blog for the first time in 3 months (note that i'm completely ignoring your other post) and it's about shit. Literally.
was the picture really necessary?
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