Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have 2 exams looming ominously above my's coming closer CLOSER OMGWTFBBQ NOOOO!!11!111111oneoneSTRESSSTRESSTRESS and here I am, blogging like I have NOTHING BETTER TO DO. 

Definitions of self-destructive on the Web:

  • dangerous to yourself or your interests; "suicidal impulses"; "a suicidal corporate takeover strategy"; "a kamikaze pilot" 
Above: no correlation whatsoever

I have, as usual, nothing much to say, except celebrate my wondrous discovery of how to use T3H STRIKETHROUGH. Such a shiny, shiny new toy *salivates*

Following the example of heshiyun, guru of all matters bloggy and hip, I present: a random vid made out of awesome!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

random much?