Thursday, September 4, 2008

Things I want to achieve in the next 6 months

Note to readers, which may or may not exist: This post isn't particularly entertaining. 
It's a little mind exercise I'm trying out...and to motivate myself. goes:

Things I want to achieve in the next 6 months:
1. Make a dent on wall with a poker card (thrown)
2. Master Zigeunerweisen
3. Improve my reading speed
4. Learn to juggle
5. Be up to date with current news for the next 6 months
6. Write a story and post it on here
7. Write a poem and post it on here
8. Play the last 3 pages of Carmen with piano accompaniment
9. Improve my memory
10. Sleep for 8 hours everyday
11. Eat more healthily
12. Figure out composition
13. Get through ~1/2 of Kreutzer
14. Eat breakfast everyday
15. Strength my wrist more
16. Cut down on fanfiction
17. Read RSS feeds
18. Read NewScientist
19. Get bike
20. Be tethered to reality a lot more
21. Clean my laptop
22. Aim to not lose any stationary
23. Do more 100 lists like this
25. Update this blog regularly
26. Relax muscles when playing violin
27. Be more optimistic
28. Decrease self-loathing
29. Memorize physical routes
30. Aim to not fight with parents
31. Socialize more online
32. Socialize more in real life
33. Do homework on the day its set (if possible)
34. Frown less
35. Aim to not get any serious injuries
36. Drink more water everyday
37. Do not lose the squishy ball
38. Sit up straight when using laptop
39. Practise violin standing up
40. learn different methods and improve shifting
41. Learn different kinds of vibrato
42. Learn different methods and improve intonation
43. Try to be more decisive
44. Try to be more confident
45. Try not to dwell too much on past events
46. Maybe get a new violin?
47. Try to practise violin everyday (break it into sessions)
48. Improve my handwriting speed
49. Be more knowledgeable about a range of subjects (and remember them)
50. Build something grand Second Life (?)
51. Read as many books with the time I have
52. Figure out how to use
53. Read the more popular articles on bookmarked sites (and follow through on their advice)
54. Improve study efficiency
55. Use my left hand better
56. Try to be less self-conscious
57. Learn how to meditate
58. Improve hearing
59. Keep glasses clean
60. Improve overall hygiene
61. Keep up to date with popular culture
62. Decrease waffling
63. Structure my mind
64. Figure out Blender basics
65. Figure out Blogspot
66. Re-organize my computer
67. Back up hard drive
68. Improve dental hygiene
69. Use 'pegging' system to remember things
70. Get to know people
71. Make more acquaintances
72. Be more outgoing
73. Improve typing speed/accuracy
74. Figure out photoshop
75. Be more active
76. Exercise more
77. Be more focused when needed
78. Form opinions and defend them
79. Learn more brainteasers and remember them
80. Stop looking like a vegetable all the time
81. Learn to lie in the bed I've made (metaphorically)
82. Make shoes less stinky
83. Compose a piece for fun
84. Be more efficient with time
85. Be less dependent on mp3
86. Learn to think critically
87. Be more motivated
88. Be more approachable
89. Learn to be less bothered by the heat
90. Vary my routines to make them more interesting
91. Read and remember all articles on litemind
92. Make entertaining posts on this blog
93. Learn conviction
94. Learn more quotes (and remember them)
95. Improve social skills and wittiness
96. Start arguments with people and win them
97. Access verbs from vocabulary quickly
98. Write an essay for fun
99. Find ways to get inspired, then get inspired
100. Learn to fake laughter

Phew....did these in one sitting.
Now I can look back on this post when I am procrastinating. 

If you actually read these- holy f**king cow skewered on a shish kabob and charred! If you have any tips/suggestions/rants, please share with poor, deprived me. 

Oh yes, this feels pretty awkward. But I'd really appreciate it if you start an argument with me. It'll be very intellectually stimulating both ways. 

If I'm sounding up myself, sorry- that's not my intention. But do tell me if I am. I'll add that to the list. 


Anonymous said...


:) your list has some shortterm stuff on it too

ie. don't lose the squishy ball HEH

but yeah =_=

despite the fact that you despise practicing the violin, you seem to want to improve a LOT !

that's good :)

朱雅欣 said...

i read all that!
do ii get another virtual cookie?

'make shoes less stinky'
that made me LOL xD
it's currently 6:50 am
&& ii don't even know why i'm reading blogs =.=


Anonymous said...

hey hey hey!
do u sing?!?!
that's so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wat else


u meditate?
that's cool too!!!!!
are u into the whole new age hypnotism, meditation and stuff?
i been reading up on it
interesting stuff

wat else...

nm else lol i read the thing but i forgot a lotta wat i was gonnar say

i had something similar a while ago
and like..
it took me a whole year to do...
it was 100 things to do before i die lol
not exactly 6 months XD

shoes less stinky...
1)get ur standard issue Time magazine
2)roll it into a roll
3)stuff it in ur shoe
the paper soaks up the odour while the rolled-up-ness of the magazine keeps the structure of the shoe from getting those annoying wrinkles in dem from walking.

shall start argueing with u sometime...

Luciano Passuello said...

Hey, thank you so much for #91!

The other 99 items seem a lot more interesting, though! ;)

All the best,

Anonymous said...

ur list is soo funni and creative, violin freak :P