Wednesday, June 24, 2009

cowpoke. *bzzzzzt*

blame this on qwertatious. ie. the cowpoke? which erm. pokes the cow. 


I think I'd rather be born a d00d. things seem so much simpler as a d00d. d00ds game, like me. why? why are teenage girls so hormonal? is it hormones? or is it normal and im the one that's weird?

Ok, i really have no idea what to say, so I'll just write things down as things pop into my head.

List of excuses women make when they socially stumble:
- sorry, I'm on my periods
- sorry, I'm meno-pausing
- sorry, it's the hormones
- sorry, haven't had enough sleep
- sorry, so tired.
- sorry, coffee-deprived

yeah. the last 3 mean the same thing. and the first 3 means the same thing.

List of excuses men make when they want you to shut up and stop blathering
- sorry, haven't had enough sleep
- sorry, so tired.
- sorry, coffee-deprived
sorry, i have a small penis and i'm compensating for it by being an asshole

Dunno what the point of that was, it's kinda amusing to see all the sorrys' line up in a column so neatly.
laughs awkwardly

Whenever i see cchen look at a dirty pic/read smut i feel like patting her on the head. It's's all grown up now :D :D :D

And whenever i have no idea what's going in heshi or gchu's heads these days (im referring to their latests posts), i'm like...cmon! i can't dispense so called pearls of wisdom erm advice if well...the advisor is in a state of ??? ! switch from 1st person to 3rd person within one sentence? a grammatical travesty!!1111one   plz dont take me seriously, its like when ever i say something the slightest bit awkward, i tend to start rambling about the strangest things to cover it up. 
the ratio of substance:ramble = 1:3.

Think of me apprentice !normalgirlfriend. i need to gain experience in helping ppl with their problems. What will YOU do in the the name of education??? Here's a suggestion!!1 SHARE! Lemee stick my nose in your festering emotional pudding!!1 (yes that was meant to sound wrong.It's not a freudian slip if i realize it, muahaha.)

I think we're all quite short sighted about our own good qualities, but can judge other's good qualities quite accurately. to quote that self defense guy (i think) who said- " don't compare your inside with other people's outside.
of course, that is the optimistic spin on
We can perceive our own faults most clearly. Other opinions are... irrelevant! IRRELEVANT! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!! props to whoever gets that reference.

moving on...
my gum hurts. i think (2) teeth are growing at the back of the mouth. is it supposed to do that? shitshitshit i hate going to the dentist. 

I did something really moronic in my music ext assessment. i put one of the pages at the wrong place. then i didn't realize until i got up to it...and realized that shit!wrong page! and i had to stop in the middle of the damn piece to find the damn page. 

Also- I was stressing before about life after hsc. but since so many ppl are going future future future...i feel like i should be stressing more X_x

we have a really incestuous blog 'circle'- to quote qwertatious going on...where we each check and comment on each others the 9th circle of hell. joiiiinnnnnnnnnnn ussssssssss youuu knnowwwww yoouuuuu wwwaanttttt tttoooooooooo. It's funny. I used to worry so much about offending ppl..and now i don't care anymore. That's a lie. I still care, unfortunately. Just not so much. Progress- We're making it! 

Ever did something you KNOW is bad for you..but you do it anyway? 


Anonymous said...

Don't give excuses, make reasons :D

qwertatious said...

ehh...cindy...those teeth that are growing out at the back of your mouth are WISDOM TEETH. You need to get them checked out ASAP

o and

Anonymous said...


thanks a lot cindy

go and tell the world i look at dirty pics and read smut.

and just ta let you know... i got the pics off fanfiction, and was completely unaware of the SECOND one that popped up.

X__X'' pics are much much worse than smut... (coz i can't skim XD)

err and fanfiction? BLAME YOURSELF. i can't believe i'm into slash now T__T

and since when have i ever blamed my social awkwardness on PMS? more like i just poke around at you and chrystal and blame YOU for introducing me to fanfic and slash, and chrystal for introducing me to naruto...

oh and here comes the end of the world T__T

(damn.. i use too many weird emoticon thingys...)

grace said...

wow. i didnt know u have a blog O_O

interesting..... =]

Anonymous said...

what is this about the end of the world? D=

my friends think it's the end of the world too... =/